Work smarter, not harder at caregiving
Sometimes you just need a little help.
Remember when it seemed like a lot just to keep up with your own to-dos? As a caregiver, it often feels like the list just keeps growing and growing. And in many cases, it does.
But staring at (or stressing about) everything you have to do doesn't cross anything off your list. Finding the right strategies and resources does. You've come to the right place.
Here, you'll find essential info about daily chores you may be charged with managing (such as medications and meal planning) as well as strategies for enlisting outside help at any budget.
Caregiving can feel overwhelming at times. But the best thing you can discover is the wealth of support that's available—when you know where to look.
Our service and resource locator for Minnesota residents can also help you find the day to day help you need, from respite care to help with indoor and outdoor chores.
More helpful links:
- Eldercare Locator www.eldercare.gov
- The National Clearinghouse for Long-term Care Information www.longtermcare.gov
- Medicare www.medicare.gov
- Social Security Administration www.socialsecurity.gov
- Veterans Administration www.caregiver.va.gov
- Day by Day